Why Do You Need Finishing Coats For Custom Mascara Packaging?


Whether you want to talk about standard mascara packaging or custom printed mascara packaging, finishing coats are more important than you think. Finishing coats are one of the most underrated customisations for your packaging. 

In this blog, we are going to look at the importance of finishing coats for mascara packaging and see some of the popular options. 

Benefits Of Finishing Coats

There are plenty of benefits that you can get from finishing coats. Let’s have a look at some of them. 

  1. Improved Aesthetics: One of the most important benefits that you can get from finishing coats is improved aesthetics. A good finish will make your packaging look more premium and expensive. This is especially important if you are selling your product in a high-end market. 

  2. Better Protection: Another important benefit of finishing coats is that they can provide better protection to your mascara packaging. With a good finish, you can make sure that your packaging is less likely to get damaged. 

  3. Improved Durability: Finishing coats can also improve the durability of your mascara packaging. A good finish will make sure that your packaging can withstand the wear and tear of daily use. 

  4. Enhanced Functionality: In some cases, finishing coats can also enhance the functionality of your mascara packaging. For example, if you are using a UV coating, it can make sure that your packaging is less likely to fade in the sun. 

Types Of Finishing Coats

There are plenty of different types of finishing coats that you can choose from. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular options. 

  1. UV Coatings: UV coatings are one of the most popular finishing coats for mascara packaging. UV coatings are known for their durability and resistance to fading. 

  2. Aqueous Coatings: Aqueous coatings are another popular option. These coatings are known for their water-resistant properties. 

  3. Matte Coatings: Matte coatings are a good choice if you want to give your packaging a more subtle look. 

  4. Gloss Coatings: Gloss coatings are the opposite of matte coatings. These coatings will give your packaging a more shiny and polished look. 

  5. Soft-Touch Coatings: Soft-touch coatings are a good choice if you want to give your packaging a more luxurious feel. 

  6. Metallic Coatings: Metallic coatings are a good choice if you want to give your packaging a more eye-catching look. 

  7. Fluorescent Coatings: Fluorescent coatings are a good choice if you want your packaging to be more visible in low light conditions. 

  8. Clear Coatings: Clear coatings are a good choice if you want to show off the design of your packaging. 

  9. Holographic Coatings: Holographic coatings are a good choice if you want to give your packaging a more futuristic look. 


So, that’s everything you need to know about finishing coats for mascara packaging. As you can see, there are plenty of benefits that you can get from these coatings. So, if you are looking to improve the look, feel, and functionality of your mascara packaging, make sure to use a finishing coat.


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